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Worldwide Database of Volcanic Ground Deformation


Volcano number: 211040
Region: Mediterranean and Western Asia
Country: Italy
Geodetic measurements? Yes
Deformation observation? Yes
Measurement method(s): InSAR, GPS - campaign
Duration of observation: 2002
Inferred cause of deformation: Magmatic, Surface deposits
Characteristics of deformation:

Mattia et al. (2004): The Stromboli volcano erupted suddenly on 28 December 2002 after a 17-year period of typically persistent but moderate eruptive activity, followed two days later by a tsunamigenic landslide on its NW flank (Sciara del Fuoco) felt in the coastal areas of southern Italy.
Three continuous GPS stations were deployed near the volcano’s rim sampling at 1 Hz after eruption had started. The authors report on two deformation episodes. A vent migration on 16– 17 February 2003 caused significant displacements at only one site. The second episode on 5 April 2003, a paroxystic explosion from the summit crater was due to shallow magma chambers that give rise to Strombolian explosive activity.
Solaro et al. (2014) present preliminary InSAR results on deformation field on Lipari, Vulcano and Stromboli islands using COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) data both from ascending and descending orbits, generating time series extending from 2008 to 2013. They show that Stromboli is subsiding along the ‘La Sciara del Fuoco’ feature, in correspondence of lava flows up to a few cm/yr. (Solaro et al., 2014). 

References: 'Mattia, M., Rossi, M., Guglielmino, F., Aloisi, M., & Bock, Y. (2004). The shallow plumbing system of Stromboli Island as imaged from 1 Hz instantaneous GPS positions. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(24).', 'Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program
\n', 'Bonaccorso, A., S. Calvari, G. Garfı`, L. Lodato, and D. Patane` (2003),
\nDynamics of the December 2002 flank failure and tsunami at Stromboli
\nvolcano inferred by volcanological and geophysical observations, Geophys.
\nRes. Lett., 30(18), 1941, doi:10.1029/2003GL017702', 'Solaro, G., Castaldo, R., Casu, F., De Luca, C., Marsella, M., Pepe, A., ... & Zeni, G. (2014, May). Insights Into The Dynamics Of Aeolian Volcanic Islands From DInSAR COSMO-SkyMed Observations. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 16, p. 6689).'
Location: 15.213, 38.789